
jorble_lander Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /jorble
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
8 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
9 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
10 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
11 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
12 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
14 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
15 app_admin /admin Path does not match
16 app_admin_posts /admin/posts Path does not match
17 app_admin_cache_clear /admin/cache-clear Path does not match
18 app_admin_jorble_lives /admin/run-add-lives Path does not match
19 app_admin_demo /admin/demo Path does not match
20 app_admin_users /admin/users Path does not match
21 app_admin_user_add /admin/users/add Path does not match
22 app_admin_user_edit /admin/users/{id}/edit Path does not match
23 app_admin_user_delete /admin/users/{id}/delete Path does not match
24 app_member_profile_links_admin /admin/profile/ajax/links Path does not match
25 article_builder /article-builder Path does not match
26 article_reload /article-builder/test/reload Path does not match
27 article_create_new /article-builder/article/add/{type} Path does not match
28 article_edit /article-builder/article/edit/{title} Path does not match
29 article_download /article-builder/download/{article} Path does not match
30 article_preview /article-builder/preview/{article}/{page} Path does not match
31 article_make /article-builder/article/typeselect Path does not match
32 article_get_uploaded_image /article-builder/article/getuploadedimage/{sub}/{filename} Path does not match
33 article_build /article-builder/{article} Path does not match
34 article_test_scrape /article-builder/test/scrape Path does not match
35 app_articlebuilderscraper_ripfromholding /article-builder/scraper/hold Path does not match
36 app_articlebuilderscraper_dogbreeds /article-builder/scraper/dogs Path does not match
37 rip_groovehistory_article /article-builder/scraper/groovehistory/{article}/{page Path does not match
38 test_rip /article-builder/scraper/horizontimes/{article}/{page Path does not match
39 rip_definition_article /article-builder/scraper/defenition/{article}/{page Path does not match
40 rip_constantive_article /article-builder/scraper/constantive/{article}/{page Path does not match
41 app_bluvr_rebuild_images /admin/bluvr/rebuild Path does not match
42 app_bluvr_admin_dashboard /admin/bluvr Path does not match
43 bluvr_admin_galleries /admin/bluvr/galleries Path does not match
44 bluvr_admin_addedit_gallery /admin/bluvr/galleries/addedit/{id} Path does not match
45 bluvr_gallery_image_delete /admin/bluvr/image/delete/{id} Path does not match
46 bluvr_admin_facts_list /admin/bluvr/facts Path does not match
47 bluvr_admin_fact_delete /admin/bluvr/facts/{id}/delete Path does not match
48 bluvr_admin_facts_edit /admin/bluvr/facts/addedit/{id} Path does not match
49 bluvr_gallery_update_all /admin/bluvr/gallery/update Path does not match
50 bluvradmin_move_image /bluvr/images/move/{id}/{path} Path does not match
51 bluvr_collection /bluvr/collection/{id} Path does not match
52 bluvr_collections /bluvr/collections Path does not match
53 bluvr_random_collection /bluvr/random-collection/{path} Path does not match
54 bluvr_search /bluvr/search/ Path does not match
55 bluvr_faceoff /bluvr/faceoff/{path} Path does not match
56 bluvr_facts /bluvr/facts Path does not match
57 bluvr_image_upvote /bluvr/upvote/{id} Path does not match
58 bluvr_gallery_fetchimage /bluvr/image/fetchimage Path does not match
59 bluvr_image_random /bluvr/image/random/{path} Path does not match
60 bluvr_gallery_image_view /bluvr/image/load/{id} Path does not match
61 bluvr_gallery_fetch_thumbnail /bluvr/image/thumbnail/{id} Path does not match
62 bluvr_gallery_image /bluvr/image/{id} Path does not match
63 bluvr_gallery_image_download /bluvr/image/download/{id} Path does not match
64 bluvr_gallery_slideshow /bluvr/slideshow/{path} Path does not match
65 bluvr_gallery /bluvr/galleries Path does not match
66 bluvr_home /bluvr Path does not match
67 bluvr_home_paginated /bluvr/page/{page} Path does not match
68 bluvr_gallery_view /bluvr/{path}/{page} Path does not match
69 social_share_bluvr /bluvr/share/{id} Path does not match
70 social_bookmarks /m/app/bookmarks Path does not match
71 social_bookmark_edit /m/app/bookmarks/edit/{id} Path does not match
72 social_bookmark_delete /m/app/bookmarks/delete/{id} Path does not match
73 social_bucketlist /m/app/bucketlist Path does not match
74 social_edit_bucket_list_item /m/app/bucketlist/edit/{id} Path does not match
75 social_delete_bucket_list_item /m/app/bucketlist/delete/{id} Path does not match
76 social_complete_bucket_list_item /m/app/bucketlist/complete/{id} Path does not match
77 app_geo_locate /cdn/geo/{ipaddress} Path does not match
78 app_member_avatar /cdn/profile/image/{id} Path does not match
79 app_group_avatar /cdn/group/image/{id} Path does not match
80 app_member_cover /cdn/profile/cover/{id} Path does not match
81 app_group_cover /cdn/group/cover/{id} Path does not match
82 commod_home /commodities Path does not match
83 commod_news_rss /commodities/ajax/news Path does not match
84 commod_news /commodities/news Path does not match
85 commod_details /commodities/commodity/{slug} Path does not match
86 commod_history_line_json_afi /commodities/commodity/{slug}/adjusted Path does not match
87 commod_history_line_json_real /commodities/commodity/{slug}/actual Path does not match
88 commod_my_portfolio /commodities/portfolio Path does not match
89 commod_my_portfolio_widget /commodities/portfolio/widget Path does not match
90 commod_edit_portfolio /commodities/portfolio/edit/{id} Path does not match
91 commod_add_portfolio_item /commodities/portfolio/add/{commodity} Path does not match
92 commod_update_cash_balance /commodities/portfolio/updatecashbalance Path does not match
93 commod_remove_portfolio_item /commodities/portfolio/removeitem Path does not match
94 commod_auto_select_contracts /commodities/processing/auto-select-contracts Path does not match
95 commod_import_inflation /commodities/processing/import-inflation Path does not match
96 commod_update_history /commodities/processing/update-history Path does not match
97 commod_watchlist /commodities/processing/watchlist Path does not match
98 commod_futures_watchlist /commodities/processing/watchlist-futures Path does not match
99 commod_import_futures_watchlist /commodities/processing/upload-import Path does not match
100 commod_import_futures_watchlist_local /commodities/processing/local-import Path does not match
101 dev_scrape /dev/scrape Path does not match
102 dev_media /dev/mediaupdate Path does not match
103 app_dev_groups_update_all /dev/groups/media-update-all Path does not match
104 app_dev_fix /dev/test Path does not match
105 app_dtssp_admin /dtssp/admin Path does not match
106 app_dtssp_user /dtssp/user Path does not match
107 app_dtssp_public /dtssp/public Path does not match
108 social_favorite_get_media /m/favorite/media/{id} Path does not match
109 social_favorite_slideshow /m/favorite/slideshow Path does not match
110 social_favorites /m/favorites Path does not match
111 app_image_favorite_delete /m/favorites/deletefromfavorites/{id} Path does not match
112 app_image_favorite_bluvr /m/favorites/addtofavorites/bluvr/{id} Path does not match
113 app_image_favorite_media /m/favorites/addtofavorites/media/{post} Path does not match
114 social_ajax_feed /m/feed/ajax/feed Path does not match
115 today_ajax_feed /m/feed/ajax/feed/today Path does not match
116 social_ajax_feed_public /m/feed/ajax/feed/public Path does not match
117 app_member_ajax_feed /m/feed/ajax/feed/member/{id} Path does not match
118 app_member_group_feed /m/feed/ajax/feed/group/{id} Path does not match
119 social_news_item /m/feed/posts/fetch/{id} Path does not match
120 social_post_view /m/feed/posts/view/{id} Path does not match
121 social_edit_post /m/feed/posts/edit/{id} Path does not match
122 social_news_feed /m/feed/posts Path does not match
123 social_news_feed_public /m/feed/posts/public Path does not match
124 social_post_delete /m/feed/post/delete/{id} Path does not match
125 social_post_nsfw_toggle /m/feed/post/nsfw/toggle/{id} Path does not match
126 social_comment_delete /m/feed/comment/delete/{id} Path does not match
127 social_post_comment /m/feed/ajax/submit/comment/{id} Path does not match
128 social_post_vote /m/feed/ajax/post/vote/{id} Path does not match
129 app_members_invite /m/friends/invite Path does not match
130 app_members_list /m/friends/find Path does not match
131 app_members_friend_list /m/friends Path does not match
132 app_members_friend_accept /m/friends/accept/{id} Path does not match
133 app_members_friend_remove /m/friends/remove/{id} Path does not match
134 app_members_friend_request /m/friends/request/{id} Path does not match
135 app_dev_groups_update /dev/groups/mediaupdate/{id} Path does not match
136 app_dev_groups_reset /dev/groups/reset/{id} Path does not match
137 app_admin_groups /admin/groups Path does not match
138 app_social_groups /m/groups Path does not match
139 app_social_group_create /m/group/create Path does not match
140 app_social_group_view /m/group/{slug} Path does not match
141 app_social_group_manage /m/group/{slug}/manage Path does not match
142 app_social_group_media /m/group/{slug}/media Path does not match
143 app_social_group_delete /m/group/delete/{id} Path does not match
144 app_social_group_join /m/group/join/{id} Path does not match
145 app_social_group_leave /m/group/leave/{id} Path does not match
146 social_share_group /m/group/share/{id} Path does not match
147 group_accept_member /m/group/membership-accept/{id} Path does not match
148 group_deny_member /m/group/membership-deny/{id} Path does not match
149 group_ban_member /m/group/membership-ban/{id} Path does not match
150 app_my_health /m/health/ Path does not match
151 app_health_diet /m/health/diet Path does not match
152 app_delete_joke /m/app/jokes/delete/{id} Path does not match
153 app_jokes_view /m/app/jokes Path does not match
154 app_jokes_random /m/app/jokes/random Path does not match
155 social_share_joke /m/app/jokes/share/{id} Path does not match
156 game_jorble_hint /m/games/jorble/hint Path does not match
157 game_jorble /m/games/jorble Path does not match
158 lotto_test_numbers /m/app/lotto Path does not match
159 social_media_manager /m/media/ Path does not match
160 app_member_customize_dashboard /m/customize Path does not match
161 app_member /m Path does not match
162 app_member_profile_links /m/profile/ajax/links Path does not match
163 app_member_profile /m/profile/manage Path does not match
164 app_member_preferences /m/preferences Path does not match
165 app_member_view /m/profile/view/{id} Path does not match
166 app_toggle_nsfw /m/toggle/nsfw Path does not match
167 app_save_dashboard /m/ajax/dashboard Path does not match
168 app_racing_gear_ratios /m/app/gear-ratio-calculator Path does not match
169 app_list /m/app Path does not match
170 social_delete_note /m/app/notes/delete/{id} Path does not match
171 social_note_view /m/app/notes/view/{id} Path does not match
172 social_mynotes /m/app/notes/{id} Path does not match
173 app_client_subscribe /m/upgrade Path does not match
174 app_stripe_charge /stripe/create-charge Path does not match
175 paypal_checkout_confirmation /paypal/confirmation Path does not match
176 paypal_subscription_confirmation /paypal/subscription Path does not match
177 app_public / Path does not match
178 storystream_lander /storystream Path does not match
179 jorble_lander /jorble Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.